Different events have different way to calculate the impact of the wind. For this reason, make sure to select the right event before calculating.
In order to adjust a result with a target wind, of course you need to specify the result you got with the real measured wind.
Finally, you can choose the wind you want to adjust your result with, and click Calculate.
Wind Correction will do the rest!
The algorithm of Wind Correction is based on the research of M. Moinat, O. Fabius and K.S. Emanuel published in 2018 in the article: "Data-driven quantification of the effect of wind on athletics performance".
This is one of the most objective and accurate studies conducted to date. However, wind is a highly unpredictable factor, and many other variables can influence the outcome, such as the track, the shoes, and the athlete's condition.
While the app is designed to be highly accurate, a margin of error remains.
The relationship between wind speed and performance in wind correction is not linear for several reasons.
Wind correction models usually account for diminishing returns. T refers to the principle that, as you continue to increase one factor of input, the additional output or benefit you get from that will eventually decrease at some point.
In simpler terms, it's the idea that, after a certain point, the more you do something (like adding wind speed), the less improvement you see in the result. In athletics, small increases in effort or wind speed will lead to noticeable gains. However, as you reach your peak performance level, pushing harder or increasing an external factor may only lead to small improvements, or even no improvement.
As wind speed increases, the athlete may reach a point where the additional gain in speed becomes less pronounced. Certain limits exist where wind may no longer significantly benefit the athlete'sperformance.
or instance, at high wind speeds, the athlete’s body might experience more resistance from the wind or other factors (like instability or fatigue), leading to a situation where further wind speed increases don't directly translate to better results.
Furthermore, at higher wind speeds, other factors may also play a role. For example, wind direction, or athlete technique and posture may become more significant, further complicating the relationship between wind speed and performance.
As wind speed increases beyond a certain point, these factors can introduce unpredictable variations that make the performance increase less proportional. In some cases, small increments in wind speed can significantly affect performance in the lower range (e.g., +1 m/s to +2 m/s), while larger increases in wind speed may have progressively less impact due to other factors.
Unfortunately at the moment Wind Correction is only available for iOS mobile phones.
However, we are working to make it available on other devices as well in the future.